Of Dawn’s Bestowal (beta ver.)

"Of course not," Theo shrugged, conceding defeat.
"We've also checked," I watched as he leaned back against the wall again, deflated, "There are no anomalies or large spaces underground in Inoasis. It's completely solid crust."

Despite years of extensive searches, we found no trace of where they might be hiding. Jacques, who disappeared from Inoasis without crossing the barrier, where could they be?

"Maybe they're all hiding in Sylvain's lil’ pocket, who knows," he chuckled dismissively. But I knew he would never show mercy to the Jacques henchmen who took his daughters. Every time he fired during target practice, the resolute sound of each shot, bang, bang, bang, the loud explosions, and the bullets tearing through the air echoed in the shooting range. Each bullet hated, and accurately nailed to the bullseye, hitting where the man’s head would be.

Since I knew him, every pull of his index finger on the trigger was an unspoken rage and anger.

"We'll find him," I said.

We must, without a doubt.
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